Advantage Multi (Imidacloprid/Moxidectin) and/or alternatives
No Generic Alternative.
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General Information On Advantage Multi
Advantage Multi is used for preventing heartworm in dogs and cats, for treating fleas, hookworms, roundworms and ear mites in cats, and hookworms, whipworms, roundworms and fleas in dogs. Its generic name is Imidacloprid/Moxidectin, and it belongs to the category of Ecoparasiticides. This medicine is available in a liquid application form. Imidacloprid works by attaching itself to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the fleas’ nervous systems, so that their ability of transmitting acetycholine is inhibited and they get paralyzed and eventually die. Moxidectin in the drug opens chloride channels, so that an irreversible resting state is induced, leading to the parasites getting paralyzed and eventually dying or leaving the host.
Side Effects for Advantage Multi
Some of the commonly experienced side effects of Advantage Multi noticed in dogs include lethargy or hyperactivity, decreased appetite, or licking or scratching the site of application. In cats, increased drinking or salivation, agitation, coughing, excessive grooming, and other changes in behavior may be noticed. These are common side effects of the Advantage Multi, and its use should not be discontinued if any of these are experienced. However, some of the serious side effects of Advantage Multi include pale gums, seizures, cold limbs, diarrhea, coma, shock, vomiting, swelling, or hives. If the pet experiences any of these serious side effects, immediate medical help should be sought. If the pet accidentally ingests the medicine by licking the application site, it may experience generalized muscle tremors, panting, poor coordination, dilated pupils, depression, and excessive salivation.
Advantage Multi is only meant for dogs over 7 weeks of age and cats over 9 weeks of age. Geriatric cats should not be treated with this drug. You should not apply this medicine on your pet if its skin is already broken or irritated or if it is underweight or ill. Use Advantage Multi with caution on pregnant, lactating, or breeding animals. After applying the drug on your pet’s body, make sure that it does not lick the application site. Also keep it away from other pets so that it does not come in contact with them, as doing so may increase risks of accidental ingestion or the spread of an infection. If your pet is sensitive to avermectin, it may suffer from a coma.
Advantage Multi Dosage
The dosage given to an animal largely depends on its size and weight. For example, a dog weighing 3 to 9 pounds will be given Advantage Multi 40/10mg. Apply the drug on your pet’s body once a month, only after giving it a bath. Advantage Multi needs to be applied on the pet’s body directly on the skin after parting the hair between the shoulder blades and its back. Keep the pet away from other animals and children for at least 30 minutes after applying Advantage Multi.
Tell the veterinarian about all the herbal products and medicinal products you are using or have used to treat your pet. Also tell him/her about all the topical applications and injections your pet has already received.
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